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Alternate IFTA Miles or Kilometers Input

This screen is accessed from the Alternate IFTA Input screen.

To collect mileage driven by state or province.

How to Use
There are three buttons at the top of this screen that represent the months in the year-quarter selected. Click down the month button(s) and then click Apply to see the data which has been entered for the month(s) selected. A grid will appear with the results.

To the right of the grid, a panel will appear that contains controls for entering data for the month(s) selected. To enter new data, you must first select the month for this data (uncheck any other month buttons). Use the + button to begin the manual add process. This will display the small window for you to input mileage information. A mileage entry is to be made for each state or province that you drove in during that month. (If you use Networkfleet, then please read that section below.) (You may have more than one entry for each state or province for any given month.)

Use the button to edit the data selected in the grid.

Use the button to delete the data selected in the grid. There is also a Delete All button that will wipe out all data in the grid.

Verizon Networkfleet Importing
If you use Verizon's Networkfleet program, then you may import mileage data from them. The data is exported for one month at a time and you may export data for all of the trucks in your fleet in the same export. Be careful to set your date range in their program so that it encompasses data for the entire month selected. (Programmer's note: I have seen this report run and if I remember correctly, you need to set the date range from the 1st to the 1st of the next month to get all of the data.) Do only one month at a time.

The Networkfleet data contains names for trucks that you set up with them. Rig Expense Tracker will need to learn the names of these trucks so that the data is properly imported to the correct truck. You will be asked to match up their names with the trucks you have set up in Rig Expense Tracker. (In subsequent imports, you will not need to do this as long as the truck names within Networkfleet have not changed.)

If you make changes in the truck names within Networkfleet, then please use the Reset button on this screen to force Rig Expense Tracker to re-learn the names on the next import.

Rand McNally Importing
Rand McNally offers an export of your dirven miles (by state or province) into a spreadsheet format. The data is exported in the format of Date, State, Total miles, Toll miles, Non-toll miles, Total kilometers, Toll kilometers, Non-toll kilometers, and Loaded. The program will summarize the mileage by "State" for those entries which match the month that has been selected. Mileage is added up and rounded to the nearest mile/km for each state or province.